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Inviato - 08/11/2022 : 09:53:19 Whether you are a beginner or have made many Diamond Painting pictures, you can’t get enough tips. Below are Diamond Painting tips your you. Do you have any tips that are not included?
Make the canvas flat To make the canvas flat, you can put it on a flat surface with books on it. You can also hang it on a trouser hanger to make it flat. Some even put the canvas under the mattress to make it flat.
Slowly remove the plastic film from the canvas as you work section by section, to protect the design from dust and keep the adhesive from wearing off.
Fast is Fast, but Slow might actually be Faster! Remember that we are dealing with hundreds, maybe thousands of Small Diamond Beads placed on an Adhesive Canvas here! It would be a nightmare to have to pick them up one-by-one with a twezzer wouldn't it ?
Make sure that you have picked the Correct Diamond Beads and identified the Correct Symbols ans Spots to place them before you start. And, when you are 100% Sure, Check again!
Mark the containers It is common to replace the bags you get the drills in. If you do this, you should mark the new containers with the DMC number. I usually empty the drills into zip bags that I write the DMC number and symbol on. The reason I do that is so I don’t have to look at the symbol chart every time I change color. When I finish a painting, I put the drills in other containers that are only marked with a DMC number.
Use a Light Pad! We get it, most of us are going to work on our Projects during free time, and guest when might that be ? That's right, it will most likely in the afternoon and night. Since the Symbols are quite Small, simple lights in your Room might not be Bright enough thus making the process potentially hard and tedious.
Feel free to explore all of our diamond art tools and accessories at [url=][/url], so you can find everything you need to make your hobby more comfortable and enjoyable. We have options for all of the products mentioned above, along with even more that you might find helpful in your [url=]Famous Classic Artwork Diamond Painting[/url] at home. As always, you are welcome to ask us any questions you have about diamond art painting or picking out supplies. We are happy to help.