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 Because it was fun and encouraged

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C O N T R O L L A    D I S C U S S I O N E
Jackey Inviato - 25/08/2021 : 08:59:18

Because it was fun and encouraged by the game legends, players would organize massive raids against cities that weren't part of the honor system prior to release. In the present, Blizzard has trained its players to avoid doing anything unless they get rewarded, and even then only do the bare minimum required.

When the numbers rise to the point where they had to squish them to be usable again, that was a pretty clear indication that the game had ended.

I've just started ff14 and so far it seems good. I was a huge fan of FF in the past, however, my enthusiasm has diminished as time passes. I still play it nearly every day , but never for long periods of time, and I'm not really engrossed yet.

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