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 NFL rookies disappointed by "Madden22" ratings 'Yo

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C O N T R O L L A    D I S C U S S I O N E
Dragonborn Inviato - 23/09/2021 : 08:26:53

EA Sports' "Madden" ratings are not always the most pleasant, particularly to newcomers.

With "Madden 22" to be released on August. 20th, EA had first-year players determine their debut scores. Take note of the rookies who were surprisedand perhaps a bit disappointed by their initial figures.

Take Patriots first-round selection quarterback Mac Jones, for instance. The Alabama player who is 26 years old was asked to offer an idea of his "Break Tackling" rating.

He laughed and said "Oh my God!" "No You're not playing me. How many tackles have I actually broken before." The first guess were made by a shrewd Jets receiver Elijah Moore who figured his "Change of Direction" would be a perfect 100. However, it was not and he wasn't that far off with a number of 93. "Who is higher than me?" Moore wondered. "'Cause 93 kinda low, like. I don't really know what I can do."

Lockdown corner Asante Samuel Jr. wasn't alone in believing that his speed could have been a little more, judging from his cousin's reaction when he spoke on the phone. "Ninety-two speed, but. You're still moving. You're moving." Samuel's cousin told him. "I'm extremely proud of you, Samuel. It should have been a 1994. But, aye. You can get into the top 10 every single week.

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